Sky Cinema: Barbie

Sending Sky Cinema on a one-way trip to Barbie Land.

Sky Cinema: Barbie 90” Promo.

Sky Cinema: Barbie 10” Promo.

Barbie GFX

The launch of Barbie on Sky Cinema was a big moment in 2024. So to celebrate, Sky Cinema got to visit Barbie’s Dreamhouse to get a makeover.

This meant adapting Sky Cinema’s ‘Red World’ into a Barbie ‘Pink World’. As well as having the copy match the look and feel of the Barbie promotional material. Luckily, we were provided the base font by Warner Bros. However, just to take it that little bit further - I built up some effects to help match it to the style of the Barbie logo.

Barbie text GFX breakdown.


Sky Cinema: TMNT Mutant Mayhem